Sailee Tiwari is the author of the book ‘Extra Ordinary’ which was received very well by the readers;
especially the short story enthusiasts. Her second book ‘Eternal Trudges’ has several themes of
poetry. They are about revival, love, rebirth, wishes, survival, introspection and so on. In a few
pages, another world is painted that takes you through various pathways of life. While some hold
the quintessence of a deep monochrome, others are filled with hope and inspiration. It is cherished
very well because of its versatility and resonance with the minds of the readers.
About the book ‘Eternal Trudges’ :
The book holds different forms of poetry – Acrostic, couplets, quatrains, and free verses. They are
written with utmost sentiments. While some are heartfelt and vestiges of my memories, others are a
quest seeking reality and raising questions in life.
It is available on Amazon, Notion Press in Kindle, and Paperback edition.
One such poem is about a woman and her dreams titled ‘She is Splendid.’
“She was running mightily,
Hovering on the ground,
Etched in happiness.
Immensely exhilarated as she was,
Such was the need, the determination.
Soon she saw the meadows,
Profound emotions surged,
Love was calling for her,
Eternity was waiting by,
Nurture of the pious nature,
Dived in the sounds calling her name,
Impromptu, she got up alarmed,
Delved and held his framed photograph.”
Connect with her at:
Instagram – @daffodil__words
Website –