The Maharashtra government on Thursday said it would not arrest former Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh till June 15 in a case registered against him under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Senior counsel Darius Khambata, appearing for the state government, said his earlier statement that the police would not arrest Singh shall continue till June 15. A division bench of Justices S S Shinde and N J Jamadar posted for June 14 the petition filed by Singh, seeking to quash the FIR registered against him on a complaint of police inspector Bhimrao Ghadge.
On that day, the court would also hear another petition filed by the senior IPS officer challenging two enquiries set up against him by the state government. The first order on April 1 was passed by the then state home minister Anil Deshmukh for alleged violation of some All India Services (Conduct) Rules. The second order of April 20 was passed by present home minister (Dilip Walse Patil) over allegations of corruption levelled against Singh. The FIR registered under the Atrocities Act against Singh is based on a complaint filed by police inspector Ghadge, currently posted at Akola in Maharashtra. Ghadge made a series of allegations of corruption against Singh and other officers when Singh was posted in Thane.
In the FIR, now transferred to Thane, Ghadge alleged that Singh pressured him to drop the names of some persons from a case and when he refused, the IPS officer framed him up in false cases. The FIR was registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and provisions of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.
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