Till now we have been hearing about the new whats app privacy policy but now we came across many new cases which we will discuss here.
Officials in police station and cyber cell reported the cases where users got an unknown whats app video call with a absurd pictures and videos. Not only this, the cybercriminals send them screenshots of the video and ask money in demand and threaten them by the consequences of non-remittance of demanded sum.This case purely is of online extortion or can also be termed as cyber sextortion.
Similar cases are also trending on other social media sites like Facebook & Instagram too.
But hey calm down, we have the solution with us. Either you can file a complaint online via cybercrime.gov.in or go to nearby police station and report the same incident.
Some Pre-requisites to secure yourself from cyber sextortion ?
Don’t accept video call from unknown numbers.
Don’t accept unknown Friend request on Facebook and Instagram.