Everyone wants a comfortable job and a good pay scale with an adequate amount of work load. But no one wants to go to work place do nothing for hours. Just as this a man exclaimed that he spends most of his time at work by reading newspapers, or going for a brisk walk, eating sandwiches. This reduction of work happened when nine years ago he made a protected disclosure.
The man has been penalised for having no work at his work place as a punishment for speaking out against an Irish Rail. “I go into my cubicle, I turn on my computer, I study emails. There are not any emails related to paintings, no messages, no communications, no colleague communications,” Mills recalled what his common day at work is like.
Basically his job now requires him to stay at home for 2 days and go office for 3 days. He tells that he goes for a walk even for 2 or 3 hours and just go home after that as there is nothing to do at work. The man also says that he is blocked from the company meetings and training opportunities. This man was paid RS 1.06 Crore for just doing nothing in the office during the work hours.
It is like you are getting 1 crore RS just for doing nothing. And because of this Mills, who works at the Irish Rails, for not getting any work, sued his employer. Sometimes not doing any work sitting free seems great but not everytime. The goal is go to the work place and do the assigned job and the day’s work which is required but not sitting idle almost every single day for not even a few hours but for the full day at work.
As in line with the evidence submitted on December 1 in a listening to into his grievance beneath the covered Disclosures Act 2014, the person alleged that he has been penalised for talking out towards Irish Rail, a punishment which has now left him with nearly no work.
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