Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to launch the 5G Network in the country on October 1. In the initial phase, this 5G network will work only in some big cities, but after that it will be spread throughout the country. Let us tell you that 5G will be launched at India Mobile Congress in Pragati Maidan. Its roll out will not cause any problem in the aviation sector of the country. The Telecom Ministry has conducted a technical study regarding this.
A means of fifth generation i.e. 5G telecommunication services that can download high-quality long duration videos or movies on mobile and other devices in a few seconds. It will support about 1 lakh communication devices in one square kilometre.
According to the report of IIT Madras, due to adequate gapping, there will be no problem of America in the country. The Ministry of Telecom and Civil Aviation is in constant touch with it. After all, what is this 5G service and what will benefit the common people, let’s know.
This entire matter has stood up after a tweet by the National Broadband Mission (NBM). NBM had tweeted that PM Modi will launch 5G at The India Mobile Congress on October 1. A few days ago, INFORMATION Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw had said that 5G will be launched in the country on October 12 and first it will be launched in metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata etc.
This service (5G in India) has superfast speed (about 10 times faster than 4G), reduces contact delays and enables billions of associated devices to share data in actual light. Through this, 3D hologram calling, metaverse experience and education application can be seen in a new way.
5G service (5G in India) can also change the way education is provided. Even in remote areas, teachers or guest lecturers can be taught by connecting them through conducted holograms or by transmitting mixed-reality content to classrooms. In early 2022, Airtel, in association with Apollo Hospitals and Cisco, showcased the 5G connected ambulance. With the help of this, doctors and experts in the hospital can get information about the patient’s telemetry data in real time.