Shrikant Tyagi, a political functionary booked in a molestation case, was finally arrested on Tuesday from Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut, after a four-day chase. The Noida Police had announced a Rs 25,000 reward on Monday for his information.
Tyagi had been on the run since last week after a video of him abusing a woman at a Noida housing complex went viral. A total of four people, including Shrikant Tyagi, were arrested by Noida Police’s Special Task Force (STF) on Tuesday.
Shrikant Tyagi was arrested on Tuesday from Shradhapuri area of Meerut-Dehradun bypass after a massive manhunt by Noida Police. On Monday, security was beefed up at the Surajpur court in Greater Noida where Tyagi’s lawyer filed a surrender application after a reward was announced for Tyagi’s info.
Bulldozers were on Monday sent to Grand Omaxe in Noida’s Sector 93 where Shrikant Tyagi had abused and assaulted the woman. The JCBs, on Noida administration’s orders, demolished illegal constructions at Shrikant Tyagi’s residence at the housing complex.