A Twitter Space session was conducted on this sunday and there Elon Musk confirmed that Apple has resumed complete advertising activity on the Twitter. This became possible after so many mails Twitter sent to advertisers offering them financial incentives to return the platform for advertising.
According to the reports, Amazon has planned to spent $100million for resuming advertising on Twitter and the expenditure on ads can be increased once the situation is cleared between Twitter and Musk . However results from some other sources have been obtained stating that the no advertising was completely stopped yet on the platform. Elon Musk also posted on twiiter,”Just a note to thank advertisers for returning to Twitter.”
Misunderstanding occured between Apple and Musk last week because of the 30 percent tax on Twitter where Musk claimed to enter into the war if the tax on App Store is not removed by Twitter. But afterwards all the issues cleared with an agreement between both about the 30% tax on Twitter subscriptions. As per some of the reports, Musk even claimed that Twitter might get banned from the Apple Store by the iPhone makers.
Among all the biggest advertisers on Twitter, Apple is also the one. According to the results of data analytics after takeover, Apple spent approximately $131,600 on twitter ads during 10 and 16 November, down from $220,800 during 16 and 22 October.
Point to be noticed is that Apple alone didn’t stop the ads on Twitter but other big companies like Audi, General Motors, General Mills(food company famous for breakfast and icecream) too did the same last month. Also a pharmaceutical companany,Pfizer which played a critical role in COVUD-19 vaccine suspended advertising on the platform.
However, things are being cleared now between Apple CEO Tim Cook and Musk. “Good conversation. Among other things, we resolved the misunderstanding about Twitter potentially being removed from the App Store.” said Musk in a tweet.