Yogi Adityanath, chief minister, Uttar Pradesh, said that if the criminals believe they will be able to flee after committing a crime, it won’t happen as there are CCTV cameras placed all over – ‘’trinetra’’- linking smart city and safe city which will be keeping an eye on them making the process of them getting caught immediately which in very terms is a smart decision to take for the UP cities.
While launching 212 improvement tasks worth ₹1,883 crore all through the ‘Prabuddha Jan Sammelan’ (assembly of intellectuals) in Lucknow, the CM stated, “five years lower back, the country capital used to endure the brunt of the forget of the local governments. Despite the fact, that Lucknow changed into the capital, while one saw dust or witnessed chaos and anarchy, one had a different picture of the area in a single’s mind.”
After 2017, a few of the Centre’s plans have been carried out in U.P., together with the ‘Swachh Bharat mission’. A good sized development inside the systematic disposal of city rubbish become made because of supplying 2.70 crore lavatories.
It is known that the previous government was negligible in the issues of development. But Lucknow has expanded fast and the CM congratulated the residents for it becoming the no.1 in national ranking. The ITMS handles the traffic management. The concept of ‘’smart cities’’ an ‘’smart youth’’ was being realised. Since Covid-19 the garbage management concept in the nation has become a model and especially it keep the cities like LUCKNOW, VARANASI, AGRA etc clean and create a sound environment.
‘’We should act to keep the cities safe and clean’’ said the Supreme Court. Under those schemes the government benefited street vendors with interest free loans and during the event the CM gave keys, certificates and cheques to the beneficiaries.
Even the CM said that soon the BrahMos missiles will be manufactured as the city Lucknow is now changing. And they are trying to give the city a new identity as it has historical and mythological aspects.