In the serene village of Chiplun, Maharashtra, Yash Suryavanshi, the CEO of Technocyber Finance Consultancy and an accomplished Angel Investor, has emerged as a transformative force in the world of finance. His journey, marked by challenges and triumphs, paints a portrait of resilience and unwavering determination.
Yash’s early years were shaped by the teachings of his parents, both government teachers, in the quaint village of Chiplun. Despite a natural inclination towards the stock market from a young age, he faced financial setbacks and a lack of support from relatives and friends. Criticized by teachers for not prioritizing academics, Yash weathered a stage 3 depression during 12th grade, emerging stronger and more determined.
Undeterred by early setbacks, Yash founded Technocyber Finance Consultancy, now a leading finance management consultancy in India and Thailand. As an Angel Investor, his portfolio includes investments in multiple startups in India and Bangkok, with significant stakes in resort chains in Pattaya and Phuket. The consultancy, under his leadership, has grown to include a global team of 150 employees.
Yash’s influence extends internationally, earning him recognition as the best finance consultant in Bangkok. In addition to his business ventures, he serves as a Board of Directors member at Rajaram Charitable Trust in Bangalore. Not stopping there, Yash founded Blue Eagle, a social media marketing agency in Bangkok and Vietnam, supporting influencers and micro startup holders.
Yash’s entrepreneurial journey began at 18 when he delved into trading. His expertise as a leading angel investor in local startups led him to counsel young minds on navigating the complexities of the crypto market. His role expanded to advising business owners on international market investments.
Balancing his career and education, Yash completed an internship in the US as a programmer and currently holds the position of MD at Technocyber Finance Consultancy. His educational pursuits include a Bachelor of Business Administration from NMIMS University, ongoing studies for a Bachelor of Technology from Munich University, and a Diploma in Corporate Finance from Yale University, US.
Yash’s financial journey is a testament to resilience and strategic thinking. Facing an initial loss of 10 lakh rupees, he rebounded by investing in local startups, and real assets, and venturing into the crypto market. Yash’s net worth crossed 10 crores at the remarkable age of 20, a testament to his acumen.
His commitment to sharing knowledge saw him teaching trading techniques globally, and conducting market classes in Dubai and the US through virtual platforms. Yash’s journey is adorned with accolades, including Trader of the Year by Media Tech, Prominent Financial Consultant of the Year by Korea Investment Company, and Programmer of the Year at Hong Kong Hackathon 2017.
For those intrigued by Yash’s narrative and achievements, a deeper dive into his world awaits at Yash Suryavanshi’s Website.
Yash Suryavanshi a global investor who invested in multiple startups in Bangkok at the age of 21.