Priyanka Chopra delighted fans with the introduction of her two-year-old daughter, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, as her greatest style icon while she was in Mumbai for an outlet launch. Priyanka happily confessed in an interview with Maxim how much she enjoys dressing up for her kid, even choosing lovely ensembles for her easy pajamas days.
Priyanka and her daughter Malti made an impressive entrance in Mumbai on March 15, 2024, capturing hearts with their charming relationship. Priyanka looked beautiful in a black tank top, flared trousers, and an elegant hat, while Malti stole the show in a green and white chequered co-ord set and crocs, looking liked a doll. Priyanka exemplified becoming parents. by shielding her daughter’s cheeks from picture flashes, expressing her protective motherhood instinct.
In recent years, Priyanka offered her fans an adorable peek into Malti’s mischievous side by sharing a photo of herself laughingly diving through a ball pits throughout the birthday celebrations of her close friends Jordan McGraw and Morgan Stewart McGraw’s kids, Grey and Rowe.
Priyanka relocated to the Angeles area with her spouse Nick Jonas, and she’s made this town her permanently career. Upon getting married, the couple utilized surrogate to welcome their baby girl in January 2022, who gave them much happiness.
In addition to showcasing Priyanka’s enthusiasm for style, her close relationship with her daughter Malti highlights the priceless moments that a mother and kid like doing. Priyanka’s beautiful attachment with Malti fascinates admirers all around the world as she manages to juggle her thriving professional life and becoming parents.