Rahul Pandey, a renowned cybersecurity engineer, and cybercrime investigator have recently published a new book called “The Red Hat Club”. The book, aimed at beginners who want to start their career in cybersecurity, is written so that any non-technical person can easily understand what the author wants to convey.
In “The Red Hat Club”, Pandey emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity awareness in the digital era, where there are numerous digital crime activities going on. He suggests that anyone with a smartphone using social media and internet activity should be reading this book. The book covers various topics, including cybercrime investigation, cybersecurity trends, prevention, and intervention skills.
Apart from being a cybersecurity expert and a cybercrime investigator, Rahul Pandey is also a volunteer with multiple NGOs all over India to promote cybercrime awareness. He has been awarded the Karmaveer Chakra Award, a global civilian honor given by the International Confederation of NGOs in partnership with the United Nations, for his relentless courage and for unleashing extraordinary potential.
The author of the new book “The Red Hat Club” challenges the commonly held perception that hackers are only malicious and engage in illegal activities. The author views hackers as intelligent and creative individuals who have a deep understanding of how things work and can manipulate and transform them. The book is aimed at beginners interested in starting their careers in cybersecurity, and the author believes that teaching ethical hacking can be beneficial. The author compares learning to hack to other skills such as martial arts or gun training, where it’s up to the individual to use their knowledge for good or bad. Ultimately, the author believes that teaching ethical hacking can empower individuals to use their skills to protect and defend their country or organization, rather than engaging in harmful activities.
“The Red Hat Club” by cybersecurity expert Rahul Pandey is now available on all leading online platforms worldwide. Whether you prefer Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or any other platform, you can easily purchase a copy of this informative and engaging book. Don’t miss your chance to learn about cybersecurity and stay safe in the digital world with “The Red Hat Club.”
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