After confessing to the may murder of his partner Shraddha Walkar, Poonawala was taken into custody on November 12. Aaftab Poonawala, who is suspected of killing Shraddha Walkar, 26, on Thursday, November 17, had his police custody extended by five days by a Delhi court.
In addition, the police’s request for authorization to conduct a narco-analysis test was granted by the court. The police warned that “certain religious organisations and crooks may harm him” if Poonawala appeared in person before the court, so he was brought before it via video conference.
He admitted to Police Authorities that he had killed and strangled his roommate Walkar, who shared an apartment with him and was then detained on November 12 as a result. The pair, who were originally from Mumbai, moved to Delhi in or around May of this year, according to the Delhi Police.
“The murder occurred on May 18. According to the authorities, Poonawala and Walkar connected through a dating app in 2019 and both worked for private companies. The two have private jobs in Delhi as well, Chauhan said to The Quint.
According to ADCP Chauhan, the couple moved to Delhi when both sets of parents disapproved of their relationship. They then began residing in a leased home in Chhattarpur, a neighbourhood in south Delhi.
“They arrived in Delhi in the final week of April or the first week of May. They had previously visited at hill station together “the representative stated. The pair allegedly had ongoing arguments,
according to ADCP Chauhan “It once became unmanageable. On this occasion, the male lost his cool and killed the woman. Mid-May saw the murder.”
He asserted that Poonawala murdered Walkar as a result of her suspicions of him.
What Method Was Used to Find the Murder?
Given that Walkar was out of touch with her family, it took six months after her murder for her death to be made public. “A few years before, the mother of the woman had gone away. With her brother and father, she had little communication. Prior to her mother’s death, her parents had a strained relationship. Consequently, no one was made aware of her prolonged disappearance “ad Captain Chauhan.
Walkar’s brother was told in September by a friend of hers that Walkar had turned off her mobile phone and the two had not spoken in 2.5 months. Her father, a Palghar resident, reported her on September 14 to the Mumbai police department’s Manik Pur station.
According to the victim’s father, the woman’s friends were unable to reach her and she was not active on social media, according to a press release from the Delhi Police.
On November 8, Delhi police received a notification from Mumbai police. When they questioned Poonawala, according to ADCP Chauhan, he “confessed that he had slain Walkar.”
“On November 8, the Mumbai police contacted us. We immediately filed a FIR and started taking action.